Alfred University
1977 - present
Alfred, New York
Association of Video and Filmmakers
1974 - present
New York City
Bay Area Video Coalition National Video Preservation Center
1993 - present
Bay Area Video Coalition, San Francisco, CA
Binghamton University - Cinema Department & Artists Lab at School for Advanced Technology
1969 - present
Binghamton, New York
Center for Media Study at University of Buffalo
1972 - present
Buffalo, New York
Center for Photography at Woodstock
1977 - present
Woodstock, NY
Creative Artists Public Service Program (CAPS)
1970 - 1981
New York City
Downtown Community TV Center
1972 -
New York City
Electron Movers
1972 - 1980
Providence, Rhode Island
Electron Movers
1972 - 1980
Providence, Rhode Island
Everson Museum of Art
1972 - present
Syracuse, New York
Experimental Television Center, LTD.
1971 - present
Owego, New York
Light Work
1973 - present
Syracuse, New York
Lord Knows Compost, Bulk Foodveyor, Valued Cu$tomer, 77 Hz, The Poool, Stackable Thumb, NNeng
1989 -
New York City
Media Equipment Pool at the Rochester Museum and Science Center
1971 - 1972
Rochester, New York
Media Study/Buffalo
1972 - 1985
Buffalo, New York