Filters: First Letter Of Keyword is B [Clear All Filters]
Alternating Currents. NY: Alternative Museum, 1985.
American Community Video : Video in the Boroughs. NY: Locus Communications and BACA, 1983.
American Documentary Video: Subject to Change. New York, NY: The American Federation of Arts, 1989.
American Film and Video: Whitney Biennial. Copenhagen: Statens Museum for Kunst, 1996.
American History/American Television: Interpreting the Video Past. New, Edited by John E. O'Connor. NY: Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1983.
American Landscape Video. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Art, 1988.
Americans in Florence: Europeans in Florence. Florence: Centro Di and Long Beach Museum of Art, 1975.
AMIA Compendium of Moving Image Cataloging Practice, Edited by Abigail Leab Martin. SAA & AMIA, 2001.
Ampex 350 Series Single Track Recorder/Reproducer Operation and Maintenance Manual. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, 1958.
Ampex AC-125 Television Production Center (3 copies). Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Audio-Video Systems Catalog. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Bulletin No. 9 March 1965- Recording Theory and Techniques As Applied To Tape, Part III- Video. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, 1965.
Ampex CC-500 Color Television Camera System. Mountain View, CA: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex EDM-1 Computer-Controlled Editing System. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Model 300 Single Channel Master Recorder/Reproducer Service Manual. Elk Grove Village, Ilinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Model VPR5800 Video Production Recorder Operation Manual. Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Ampex Corporation, 1970.
Ampex Operating Manual for Videotape Recorder Model VR-7000. Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Ampex Corporation, 1966.
Ampex Portable Recording System VR-3000 backpack VTR, BC-300 hand-held camera. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Video Camera Operation and Maintenance Manual for CC 330 Camera System. Elk Grove Village, Ilinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex VPR-5800 Color Video Production Recorder, Dramatic Ampex 1 Inch VPR Versatility, Features, and Ease. Also VPR-5200, VPR-4500.. Elk Grove Village, Ilinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
An Aesthetic of Redemption. NY: Columbia University Press, 1982.
An Alliance for the Media Arts in America: A Report on the formation of the National Alliance of Media Arts Centers and its Founding Conference in Boulder, Colorado, May 29-31, 1980. Boulder, CO: Rocky Mountain Film Center, 1980.
An Ancient Gift. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, undated.
An Ancient Gift." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 2 (undated).
"An Armory of Mirrors: Juan Downey's 'Looking Glass." Afterimage 10, no. 40545 (1982).
"An Email Interview with Harun Farocky." The Squealer 15, no. 1 (2004): 11.
"An Evening with Chris Burden." Artweek 4, no. 44/45 (1973).
"An Interview with Joseph Beuys." Artforum 8, no. 4 (1969).
"An interview with Martha Rosler." Afterimage 9, no. 3 (1981).