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"Technisphere Corp. "Video Talk: A Technical Service to the Industry from the makers of Scotch Magnetic Tape" Volume I, No. 2, Volume II, No. 2, also Recording and Data: Handling and Storing Magnetic Tape. New York, NY: Technisphere Corp., 1968.
The Golden Web: History of Broadcasting in the United States. NY: Oxford Press, 1968.
The Language of the Self. NY: Delta, 1968.
The Moving Image: A Guide to Cinematic Literacy. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1968.
The New Wave. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company Inc., 1968.
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"War and Peace in the Global Village. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1968.
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"A Technological History of Motion Pictures and Television, Edited by Raymond Fielding. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1967.
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Correspondence Related to Moog Purchase at SUNY Binghamton 1970.. SUNY Binghamton, 1967.
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"Grass Valley Group Operating Manuals for Model 908 Color Black Generator, 909 Color Background Generator, 930/931 Color Insert Keyer, 937 Chroma Keyer. Beaverton, Oregon: Grass Valley Group, 1967.
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact Folder, Set 918, Folder 2. Sears Chassis 562.10330.. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1967.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Electronic Components & Devices. Field Service Guide, Volume 2: RCA Color TV Receivers.. Camden, NJ: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., 1967.
Raytheon Learning Systems Company. Dage-Bell Corporation. Instruction Manual: Television Camera System, Type XRS-20 (Part Numbers 101598 and 101599). Manual Part No. 970129-01.. Michigan City, IN: Raytheon Learning Systems Company., 1967.
Raytheon Learning Systems Company. Dage-Bell Corporation. Instruction Manual: 101580-01 and 101581-01 Video Switchers.. Michigan City, IN: Raytheon Learning Systems Company., 1967.
Sarkes Tanzian Inc. PDA-VDA Broadcast Equipment Division. Verticle Interval Switcher VIS-88. Operation and Maintenance Manual 100-492-1. Bloomington, IN: Sarkes Tanzian Inc., 1967.
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Verbo-Voco-Visual Explorations. NY: Something Else Press, 1967.