Filters: First Letter Of Keyword is B [Clear All Filters]
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"""Distribution of the Digital Video Media: A Technological Primer"." NVR Reports, no. 17 (1995).
"Experimental Television / Educational Television / New Media" An Introduction to the DVD 'Ralph I. Hocking - Work 1969 to 1986'. Alfred, NY: Ralph Hocking and the Institute for Electronic Arts, 2005.
"Reality," Artificial Reproduction, and Sexuality." Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. Fifth Annual New York Digital Salon. 33, no. 5 (2000).
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""Taking Your Wares to Market: Contracting for Home Video Distribution"." NVR Reports, no. 6 (1991).
""The 90's Trial and Error: The Case of The 90's Video Catalog"." NVR Reports, no. 4 (1991).
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"1 Video Rio., undated.
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12th Annual Black Maria Film and Video Festival. Jersey City, NJ: Edison Media Arts Consortium, 1992.
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1983 Asian American International Film Festival, Edited by David Low. NY, NY: Asian Cinevision, 1983.
1985 National Video Festival. American Film Institute, 1985.
1986 National Video Festival. The American Film Institute, 1986.
1988 Artists' Fellows: NYFA. NY, NY: NYFA, 1988.
1996 Annual Mill Valley Film Festival Souvenir Program. Mill Valley, CA: Mill Valley Film Festival, 1996.
2 Video Rio., undated.
3,627,912 "Visual Display of Complex Color Television Sound Wave Signals" (2 copies) and EAB VideoLab Modules A through D. U.S. Patent Records, Electrical, 1971.
3-D Movies: A History and Filmography Of Stereoscopic Cinema. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 1989.
3M D-3016 Video Character Generator Operator's Manual.. St. Paul, MN: 3M Company Datavision Video Products Mincom Division, 1975.
3M D-3016 Video Character Generator Service Manual.. St. Paul, MN: 3M Company Datavision Video Products Mincom Division, 1978.
3M DCS-1Data Cartridge System Technical Manual (character generator system).. St. Paul, MN: 3M Company Datavision Video Products Mincom Division, 1975.
3M Model 6220 In-Line Image Enhancer/Decoder. St. Paul, MN: 3M Company Video Products Mincom Division, 1977.