The Video Underground." Art In America 59 (1971).
"various articles." Radical Software 1, no. 4 (1971).
"various articles." Radical Software 1, no. 3 (1971).
"Well, It?s a Heck of a Long Way from Marcus Welby." The New York Times (1971).
"Zenith Chassis 12A13C52, 12B13C52, 12B14C50, 12B14C52. Zenith Electronics Corporation. Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.. Indianapolis, IN: Zenith Electronics Corporation. Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1971.
T.V. Camera Test Stand; "Uniform Light Source Model No. 200A". Bedford Hills, New York: D. Vel Research Laboratories, 1970.
Ampex Model VPR5800 Video Production Recorder Operation Manual. Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Ampex Corporation, 1970.
Computer Animation. Filmmakers Newsletter, 1970.
Computer Displays." Scientific American 222, no. 6 (1970): 57-76.
"Environment and man's future- by the visionary genius of our time: I Seem To Be a Verb. "The most important fact about Spaceship Earth: An instruction book didn't come with it.". New York, NY: Bantam Books, Inc., 1970.
EVR from the Inside Out, Cassette TV: How soon can it start helping your students learn?, others. New York, NY: CBS, 1970.
Expanded Cinema. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1970.
Expanded Cinema. Aldo Tambellini: Black TV. New York, New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1970.
Film Culture Reader. NY: Praeger, 1970.
Fluke Model 8300A Digital Voltmeter Instruction Manual. Seattle, WA: John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc., 1970.
For Marx. Translated by Ben Brewster.. Vintage Books, 1970.
Grass Valley Group Model 900SE-2 Special Effects Generator, Model 933 Waveform Processor Board Schematics. Beaverton, Oregon: Grass Valley Group, 1970.
Grass Valley Group Operating Manuals for Models 625-9, 625-10, and 625-11 Audio Line Amplifiers; Model 940A Video Processing System; Model 950 Sync Generator. Beaverton, Oregon: Grass Valley Group, 1970.
Grass Valley Group Product Catalog for Model 900 Series (rack mount), Model 771 Vertical Aperture Equalizer. Beaverton, Oregon: Grass Valley Group, 1970.
Grass Valley Group Schematics and Operator Manual for Model 900SE-1 Special Effects Generator. Beaverton, Oregon: Grass Valley Group, 1970.
Happening und Leben. Berlin: Hermann Luchterhand Verlag,, 1970.
History of Broadcasting. 3 volumes.. NY: Oxford Press, 1970.
How to Make Muse Music User's Manual., Edited by Triadex Director Music of Ted Lagodmos. Newton Upper Falls, MA: Triadex Incorporated, 1970.
IBM. Tape Specifications for IBM One-half Inch Tape Drives at: 556 and 800 BPI and 3200 FCI.. New York, NY: Technisphere Corp., 1970.
IVC-90 Series Color Television Camera Service Manual. Sunnyvale, CA: IVC (International Video Corporation), 1970.
Kinetics and Context: Essays on Body Motion Communication.. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970.
Link Division GPL Television Systems. Singer Education & Training Products. Operation and Service Instruction Manual: Precision 995 Film Chain Television Camera. Handbook Part No. G51460-283A.. Binghamton, NY: Link Division GPL Television Systems., 1970.
Mass Communications and the American Empire. Boston: Beacon, 1970.
Moholy Nagy: Documentary Monographs in Modern Art, Edited by Paul Cummings. New York, Washington, NY, DC: Praeger Publishers, 1970.