Filters: First Letter Of Title is E [Clear All Filters]
Experimental Television Center Explores Video as Art in Binghamton." Community Video Report (1974).
"Electronic Zen: The Underground TV Generation." Westside News (1967).
"Expanded Cinema. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1970.
Ed Emshwiller's Skin Matrix: An Interview." SEND, no. 10 (1985).
"Erotic Amateurs." Video 80, no. 5 (1982).
"Expanded Cinema. Aldo Tambellini: Black TV. New York, New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1970.
Early Distributors of Video Art: Articles., undated.
Envision Television: Charting the Cultural Geography of Homelessness In Ecumene. Vol. 8., 2001.
Evolution of NAMAC (1997)., undated.
Editor's Statement." Video: The Reflexive Medium Issue Fall, no. 1985 (1985).
"Electronic Video Image Processing: Notes Toward a Definition." Exposure 21, no. 3 (1983).
"Electronic Visions. Yonkers, NY: The Hudson River Museum, 1984.
Everson Video 1975, Edited by Judson Rosebush. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1976.
ETC Memories. NY, NY: Art in General, NY and Mobius, Boston, 1997.
Early Video Art: A look at a Controversial History from Diverse Practices: A Critical Reader on British Video Art , edited by Julia Knight. Arts Council of England and John Libbey, 1996.
Electronic Linguistics: Taka Iimura." ArtWeek 11, no. 41 (1980).
"Educational Communications Centers and the Television Arts Conference: November 22, 1974 - Media, Information and Then? In Educational Communications Centers and the Television Arts Conference: November 22, 1974. Vol. November. University Center at Albany, 1974.
Electronic Arts: October 1977.. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/ Buffalo, 1977.
Electronic Arts Series: January - May 1977. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/Buffalo, 1977.
Electra Myths: Video, Modernism, Postmodernism." Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium Fall, no. 1985 (1985).
"Exprmntl5 Catalog for Media Study. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/Buffalo, 1974.
Evolution : Aldo Tambellini - Electromedia & The Black Film Series. UK: Lumen, 2007.
Evolving traditions: artists working in New Media." Afterimage (2003).