Towards a Visual Culture: Education through Television. New York, NY: Avon Books, a division of the Hearst Corporation, 1969.
TV as a Creative Medium. NY, NY: Howard Wise Gallery, 1969.
TV as a Creative Medium at Howard Wise Gallery." Arts Magazine 44 (1969).
"TV The Next Medium." Art In America 57, no. 5 (1969).
"Visual Thinking. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1969.
A Computer Animation Movie Language for Educational Motion Pictures." Fall Joint Computer Conference. (1968): 1317-1320.
"A Computer with Hands, Eyes and Ears." Fall Joint Computer Conference. (1968): 329-338.
"Art and Technology of Nam June Paik." artsmagazine 42, no. 6 (1968).
"Art and Technology; The New Combine." Art in America 56, no. 1 (1968).
"Black Gate, Edited by Aldo Tambellini Otto Piene. New York, New York: Tambellini, 1968.
Cohu Schematics for Camera, Remote Control Mix Board, Clamp Output Amplifier with Sync Insertion, Cable Assembly CA-8, Burst Processor, Sync Delay Board, Video Paths (Typical System 21 x 7), Cable Assembly Background Generator and/or Blackburst, CA 61, Am. San Diego, CA: Cohu Electronics, 1968.
Cybernetic Serendipity Expanded Education for the paper-less society. London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1968.
Diamond Electronics Model ST-2 Camera System. Lancaster, OH: Diamond Electronics a subsidiary of Babcock and Wilcox, 1968.
Diamond Electronics Model STV-1 and STV-2 Camera System Viewfinders.. Lancaster, OH: Diamond Electronics a subsidiary of Babcock and Wilcox, 1968.
GPL Division Singer-General Precision, Inc. Singer Education & Training Products. Operation and Service Instruction Manual: Precision 990 Television Camera. Handbook Part. No. G5146-282.. Pleasantville, NY: GPL Division Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1968.
Hewlett Packard/ Sanborn Division. Operating and Service Manual. D C General Purpose Amplifier 126, 126B, 64-300A, 64-300B, 67-300, 67-300B.. USA: Hewlett Packard/ Sanborn Division., 1968.
Instruction Manual Ball Brothers MC 19 Series Color Monitor. New Brighton, Minnesota: Ball Brothers Research Corporation, 1968.
IVC Service Manual for IVC-800 Color Video Recorder. Mountain View, CA: International Video Corporation, 1968.
Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology, Edited by Gregory Battcock. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1968.
RCA Electronic Components Tips On The use of Image Orthicons. Lancaster, PA: RCA Electronic Components, 1968.
Singer-General Precision, Inc. Link Division. Singer Service Instruction Manual: Video Printer Model 1983, GPL Part Numbers G5481-001-01, -02, -03. Handbook Part No. G5146-280, Issue: 2.. Pleasantville, NY: Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1968.
Singer-General Precision, Inc. Singer Education & Training Products. GPL Division (Part No. G5486-001). Operating and Service Instruction Manual: Precision 990 Television Camera.. Pleasantville, NY: Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1968.
Sony P.E.T.I-6 Using The DA-10 Distribution Amplifier (Product Engineering Technical Information)., 1968.
SONY Service Manual DVK-2400 Portable Videocorder. Tokyo, Japan: SONY Corporation, 1968.
SONY Service Manual Series CV-2100/2200 Videocorder Decks. Tokyo, Japan: SONY Corporation, 1968.
SONY Service Manual VCK-2400 Video Camera. Tokyo, Japan: SONY Corporation, 1968.
Sony Videocorder Model CV-2100., 1968.