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Journal Article
Marshall, Stuart. "Video Technology and Practice." Screen 20, no. 1 (1979).
Gever, Martha. "Video Politics: Early Feminist Projects." Afterimage 11, no. 40545 (1983).
Boyle, Deirdre. "Video Playback: Less is More, and Othe Video Verities." Sightlines (1982).
Avalanche. "Video Performance." Avalanche (1974).
Davis, Douglas. "Video Obscura." Artforum 10, no. 8 (1972).
Ryan, Paul. "Video Journey Through Utopia." Afterimage (1999).
Canepa, Anna. "Video Issue." Art Rite, no. 4 (1974).
Wooster, Ann-Sargent. "Video Installations." Videography 9, no. 9 (1984).
Rice, Shelley. "Video Installation 1983: November 5 - December 2." Afterimage Special Supplement (1983).
Rice, Shelley. "Video Installation 1983." Afterimage 11, no. 9 (1983).
Caranicas, Peter. "Video Hardware Gets Smart: Bill Etra." Videography (1976).
Gorewitz, Shalom. "Video from the Kitchen." Changes (1973).
Hocking, Ralph. "Video Experiments." Print (1972).
Ancona, Victor. "Video Documentary: "Home" in the Global Village." Videography 4, no. 10 (1979).
Ancona, Victor. "Video Documentaries: Are They Fact or Fiction." Videography 5, no. 6 (1980).
Roseman, Curt. "Video Design and Modification: George Brown." Filmmakers Newsletter 47 (1977).
Ross, David. "Video at the Museum." Art Rite, no. 7 (1974).
Sturken, Marita. "Video as a Performance Medium." Sightlines 16, no. 3 (1983).
Reinke, Klaus. "Video Artists." Studio Internatinal, no. 183 (1972).
Hagen, Charles. "Video Art: The Fabulous Chameleon." Art News 88, no. 6 (1989).
Chris, Cynthia. "Video Art: Stayin' Alive." Afterimage (2000).
Kaprow, Allen. "Video Art: Old Wine, New Bottle." Artforum 12, no. 10 (1974).
Hall, Doug. "Video Art: A Short History (On the Head of a Pin)." Video Networks 11, no. 1 (1986).
Marshall, Stuart. "Video Art, the Imaginary and the Parole Video." Studio International, no. 191 (1976).
Ginsberg, Merle. "Video Art's Greatest Hits: Kit Fitzgerald and John Sanborn." Soho Weekly News (1981).
"Video Art Issue." Studio International, no. 191 (1976).
Kolyer, Diane. "Video Art Goes State of the Art." Videography 9, no. 10 (1984).
Zeichner, Arlene. "Video Art Distribution." Videography 9, no. 10 (1984).
Foresta, Don. "Video and the Theory of Relativity." Catalogue of the 12 Biennale of Paris (1982).
Thomson, Patricia. "Video and Electoral Appeal." Afterimage 12, no. 7 (1985).
