Filters: First Letter Of Keyword is B [Clear All Filters]
Catalog of Audio Visual Equipment and Materials. Syracuse, NY: Audio Visual Systems, Inc., undated.
CCTV Monitors MMR23, MMA16, MMA10, Cameras PVC828, PVC808PVR708. N. Hollywood, CA: Audiotronics Corporation, undated.
The Austrian Video Festival. Sydney, 1986.
Manual for Tel-Tec 210 Television Time Error Corrector. Automation Techniques, Inc.. Tulsa, OK: Automation Techniques, Inc., undated.
Video Performance." Avalanche (1974).
"Dynamics of Television. London: Gower Press, 1976.
Show Notes by Tom Baggs. Cincinnati, OH: Tom Baggs Video Gallery, undated.
John Baldessari. Ny: The New Museum, 1981.
Instruction Manual Ball Brothers MC 19 Series Color Monitor. New Brighton, Minnesota: Ball Brothers Research Corporation, 1968.
Bode's Video and COmputer Art Pulses With Nervous Energy." Buffalo Evening News (undated).
"Self-Portrait (Upside Down) by John Beer and Terry Cuddy. Ithaca, NY: Bark Productions, undated.
Dr. Steadfast's Last Migraine: A One Act Play by Terry Cuddy.. Ithaca, NY: Bark Productions, 1998.
Method Crying: A new book by Terry Cuddy.. Ithaca, NY: Bark Productions, 1996.
Mapping Space, Sculpting Time: Mary Lucier and the Double Landscape." Afterimage 25, no. 2 (1997): 6-10.
"The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate. NY: Oxford Press, 1978.
The Golden Web: History of Broadcasting in the United States. NY: Oxford Press, 1968.
History of Broadcasting. 3 volumes.. NY: Oxford Press, 1970.
The Flaherty." Wide Angle 17, no. 40547 (undated).
"Documentary. London: Oxford University Press,, 1974.
Tube of Plenty. NY: Oxford Press, 1975.
An introduction to Optical Art, Edited by David Herbert. England: Studio Vista Limited/ Dutton, 1971.
Critical Essays. Translated by Richard Howard. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1972.
Camera Lucida. Translated by Richard Howard.. NY: Hill and Wang, 1981.
S/Z. Translated by Richard Howard.. NY: Hill and Wang, 1974.
Mythologies. Translated by Annette Lavers.. NY: Hill and Wang, 1972.
Image, Music, Text. Translated by Stephen Heath.. NY: Hill and Wang, 1972.
TV as Art as TV." Print: Designing for TV: A Special Issue XXVI, no. I (1972).
"The Search for a Personal Vision in Broadcast Television. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University, 2001.
TV as Art as TV." Print: Designing for TV: A Special Issue XXVI, no. I (1972).