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Sevilla, Christine. "Cage: A Filmic Circus on Metaphors on Vision An Interview with Film Artist Lawrence Brose." Afterimage (2004).
Sherman, Thomas. The Art Style Computer Processing System. Toronto, Ontario, 1974.
Sherman, Tom. "Memory and Hope (1996-2006)." The Squealer 11, no. 2 (1996).
Sherman, Tom. The Premature Birth of Video Art. Syracuse, NY: self-published, 2007.
Sherman, Tom. Granular Synthesis., undated.
Sherman, Tom. Reflecting on the Future of Video., 1991.
Siegel, Eric. Eric Siegel - Documents: Modifications to Portapak, Video Synthesizer 1971 - 1976., 1971.
Silverfine, Debbie, and Linda Earle. Set in Motion: The New York State Council on the Arts Celebrates 30 Years of Independents: Introduction to Set in Motion., 1994.
Simmons, Richard. From the Academy to the Avant Garde - The Family Jewels. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 1981.
Simmons, Richard. Everson Video Revue Introduction. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1979.
Simmons, Richard. Psycho-Flux Reunion.., 1998.
Simmons, Richard. From the Academy to the Avant Garde. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 1981.
Simmons, Richard. Everson Video Revue. Catalog with Images. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1979.
Simmons, Richard. New Work in Abstract Video Imagery Abstract Video. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1977.
Sjolander, Ture. Ture Sjolander - complete CV. self, 2017.
Sjolander, Ture. Selected Articles Concerning the Works of Ture Sjolander., 2000.
Sondheim, Alan. "Presence of Future Presence of Video: Thing II." Art Vu (1994).
Sondheim, Alan. Noise Culture: Thing I. manuscript, 1988.
Sondheim, Alan. "I Model; You Take My Picture." CEPA Journal (1988).
Sondheim, Alan. "Video." Perforations 2 (1991).
Sondheim, Alan. "Theses on the Inversion of the Cinema." Millennium Film Journal (1983).
Sondheim, Alan. "Throat." Art Papers (1994).
Sonsbeek 71 Introduction and Statements by Artists. Vol. June 19 - August 15., 1971.
Sorensen, Vibeke. Art, Science., 1995.
Sorensen, Vibeke. The Artist in the 2 and 3 -D Marketplace. Boston, MA: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference, 1989.
Sorensen, Vibeke. Thoughts of a Computer Artist., 1995.
Stein, Anne-Marie. "The Passing of an Era: Boston Film/Video Foundation." MAIN, no. Spring (2004).
Stephens, Richard, and Don Hallock. "Suggestions Toward a Small Video Facility." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 2 (undated).
Stern, Rudi. Stern Media Information., 1975.
Stern, Gerd. Educational Communications Centers and the Television Arts Conference: November 22, 1974 - Media, Information and Then? In Educational Communications Centers and the Television Arts Conference: November 22, 1974. Vol. November. University Center at Albany, 1974.
