
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
3M Company Data Products Mincom Division (4) 3M Company Datavision Video Products Mincom Division (1) 3M Company Video Products Mincom Division (1)
A Space (1) Aaron, C. (1) Abe, S. (2)
Ablow, G. (1) Abramovic, M. (1) Abrams, H. (1)
Abrams, J. (1) Acconci, V. (2) Adams, B. (1)
Adda Corporation (1) Adler, R. (1) Adler, R. (1)
Admiral (1) Adorno, T. (1) Adorno, T. (1)
Advanced Television Inc. (1) Adwar Video Corporation,Sam (1) Aetna Drivotrainer- Visual Educom Inc. ( a subsidiary of Electronic Associates, Inc.) (1)
Afterimage at Visual Studies Workshop (1) Agee, J. (1) Agel, J. (1)
Agetstein, S. (7) Agetstein, S. (1) Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University (1)
Ahl, D. (1) Ahl, D. (1) Aigner, H. (1)
Airaldi, W. (1) Akai Electric Co. (5) al (1)
Albright Knox Art Gallery (1) Albright-Know Art Gallery (1) Albright-Knox Art Gallery (1)
Aldighieri, M. (1) Allen, C. (1) Allen, R. (1)
Allied Radio-Knight Kit (1) Allison., G. (2) Almay, M. (1)
Alpert, J. (1) Alta Group, Inc. Dynatech Broadcast Group (1) Altec Communications Products (1)
Althusser, L. (3) Alton, J. (1) Amato, M. (1)
American Center (1) American Federation of Arts (3) American Film Institute (4)
American Museum of the Moving Imag (1) American Museum of the Moving Image (2) AMIA (1)
Amoeba Technology (1) Amperex (1) Ampex Corporation (16)
Ancona, V. (69) Anderson, B. (1) Anderson, L. (1)
Andreas Huyssen, K. (1) Andrew Deutsch, D. (1) Anker, S. (1)
Anthology Film Archives (5) Antin, D. (2) Apikian, N. (1)
Apple Computer (2) April Video Cooperative (2) Arendt, H. (1)
Aries Music (1) Arlen, M. (2) Armes, R. (1)
Armfield, D. (1) Arn, R. (1) Arnheim, L. (1)
Arnheim, R. (2) Arp Instruments Inc. (1) Arp Instruments, Inc. (1)
Arrow Electronics, Inc., Owens,Debbie (1) Ars Electronica (2) Art, T. (1)
Art and Science Laboratory (1) Art in America (1) Art in General, Inc. (1)
Artforum (1) Arthur, P. (1) Arts, R. (1)
Arts Magazine (2) Artscanada (2) Ascott, R. (1)
Associated Councils of the Arts (1) Association of Film and Video Laboratories (1) Association of Moving Image Archivists (1)
Astrovision (1) Athens International Film/Video Festival (1) Auder, M. (1)
Audio Visual Systems, Inc. (1) Audiotronics Corporation (1) Australian Video Festival (1)
Automation Techniques, Inc. (1) Avalanche (1) B.E.A.M. Electronics, FCC (1)
Baggaley, J. (1) Baggs, T. (1) Bainbridge, B. (3)
Baker, H. (1) Baldessari, J. (1) Balibar, E. (1)
Ball Brothers Research Corporation (1) Ball-Rokeach, S. (1) Bannon, A. (1)
Bark Productions, T. (3) Barlow, M. (1) Barnouw, E. (7)
Barrett, C. (1) Barthes, R. (5) Barzyk, F. (3)
Bass, W. (1) Bass, W. (1) Batsry, I. (1)
Battcock, G. (10) Battcock, G. (1) Baudrillard, J. (4)
Bay Area Video Coalition (2) Bazin, A. (1) Bear, L. (1)
Bear, L. (1) Bear, L. (1) Bear, L. (4)
Bearman, D. (1) Beck, S C (1) Beck, S. (10)
Becker, B. (1) Beer, J. (1) Behrman, D. (1)
Bell, C. (1) Benjamin, W. (3) Benmussa, S. (1)
Bennahum, D. (1) Bensinger, C. (1) Berger, J. (3)
Berke, J. (1) Berke, J. (1) Berkowitz, T. (1)
Bernagozzi, J. (1) Bernstein, C. (1) Bertram, N. (2)
Beryl Korot, M. (1) Betancourt, M. (3) Beyond/In Western NY (1)
Bill Jones, G. (2) Birdwhistell, R. (1) Birkerts, S. (1)
Bittanti, M. (1) Bittanti, M. (1) BJA Systems, Inc. (1)
Bjorgeengen, K. (3) Black Filmmaker Foundation (1) Blanchard, S. (1)
Blanchard, S. (1) Blau, A. (1) Bloch, D. (1)
Bloch, D. (1) Bloch, E. (1) Blumberg, S. (1)
Blumenthal, L. (1) Bobouwski, N. (1) Bode, H. (2)
Bode, P. (19) Bode Sound Co. (1) Bodolai, J. (1)
Body, V. (1) Body, V. (1) Boggs, J. (1)
Boomgaard, J. (1) Boomgaard, J. (1) Bordwell, D. (1)
Bosch, G. (1) Bose, Bozak, BSR, Cerwin-Vega, Nakamichi (1) Boston, G. (1)
Boston, G. (1) Bowman, G. (3) Boyer, J. (1)
Boyer, J. (3) Boyer, J. (1) Boyle, D. (16)
Braemer, D. (1) Brand, S. (1) Brandauer, A. (1)
Brecht, B. (1) Brewster, R. (1) Brewster, R. (1)
Brewster, R. (35) Brewster, R. (2) Brill, A. (1)
Brill, A. (1) Britton, S. (1) Brogdon, J. (1)
Bronson, A A (1) Bronson, A A (1) Bronx Museum (1)
Brooks, V (1) Brooks, L. (1) Brown, G. (1)
Brown, G. (2) Brown, R. (1) Bubmann, K. (1)
Bubmann, K. (1) Buchla, D. (1) Buchla, D. (2)
Buchloh, B. (4) Buchloh, B. (1) Buchloh, B. (1)
Buck-Morse, S. (1) Buckley, T. (1) Buckminster Fuller, R (1)
Buckner, B. (3) Burch, N. (1) Burchfield-Penney Art Center (1)
Burger, P. (2) Burgin, V. (1) Burgin, V. (1)
Burnham, J. (4) Burris, J. (3) Butler, M. (3)
Buvoli, L. (1) C. Itoh Digital Products (1) Cage, J. (1)
Cahiers du Cinema (1) Cahn, J. (2) Cameron, E. (3)
Campbell, B. (1) Camras, M. (1) Canadian Centre of Photography and Film (1)
Cancel, L. (1) Canemaker, J. (1) Canepa, A. (4)
Cano, H. (1) Canon Micrographics Department (1) Caplan, E. (1)
Caranicas, P. (1) Carlos, M. (1) Carnegie Commission on the Future of Public Broadcasting (2)
Carnegie Museum of Art (1) Carroll, N. (2) Casado, J. (1)
Castoriadis, C. (1) Catalina (1) Cathcart, L. (1)
Cathcart, L. (1) Caughie, J. (1) Caughie, J. (1)
Caulfield, B. (1) Cavaliere, B. (1) Cavell, S. (1)
Cawley, T. (1) CBS Electronic Video Recording (1) CBS Musical Instruments (Buchla Electronic Music System) (1)
Center for Photography at Woodstock (1) Centre International de Creation Video Montbeliard Belfort (2) Centro Cultural Candido Mendes (2)
CEPA (Center for Exploratory and Perceptual Art) (1) CEPA Gallery (1) Certeau, M. (1)
Cesan, D. (1) Cha, T. (1) Cha, T. (1)
Chadabe, J. (2) Chamberlain, P. (1) Chanan, M. (1)
Chandler, A. (1) Chang, C. (3) Chase, D. (1)
Chase, K. (1) Chase, K. (1) Cheang, S. (1)
Cherry Electrical Products Corp. (1) Cherry Lane Technologies (1) Chicago, (. (1)
Child, M. (1) Chin, D. (3) Chomsky, N. (1)
Chris, C. (2) Churchill, T. (1) CIDEM Cinema (1)
Clancy, P. (1) Clearlight Productions Inc. (1) Clifford Gallery (1)
Coelho, R. (1) Cohen, J. (1) Cohu Electronics (1)
Cole, B. (1) Cole, B. (1) Coleman, C. (1)
Coleman, C. (1) College of Fine Arts at Arizona State University (1) Collier, J. (1)
Collins, D. (1) Collins, N. (1) Collins, T. (1)
Collopy, F. (1) Color Converter, Inc. (3) Colorado Video Incorporated (5)
Colstad, K. (1) Columbia Video Systems (2) Combs, R. (1)
Commission on Preservation and Access (1) Committee on Film and Television Resources and Services (1) Community Center for TV Production (Experimental Television Center) (1)
Comprehensive Video Supply Corporation (1) Computer Graphics (1) Computer Image, S. (1)
Computer Image Productions (1) Computer Image, Scanimate (2) Computer Music Journal (1)
Computer Warehouse (1) Concord (1) Concord Electronics Corp. (2)
Conklin, W. (1) Connor, R. (2) Conrac Corporation (2)
Conrad, P. (1) Conrad, T. (5) Contemporary Art Television Fund (1)
Contreras, C. (1) Control Logic Inc. LSI Computers (2) Convergence Corporation (3)
Conway, P. (1) Cooper, C. (1) Cooper, J. (1)
Cooper,J.L. (1) Corcoran Gallery (1) Cornell Cinema (staff) (1)
Coronado (2) Corporation for Public Broadcasting (1) Cortland Arts Council Gallery (1)
Covert, N. (1) Coynik, D. (1) CP/M (4)
Craig Industrial Products (1) Crary, J. (1) Crawford, P. (1)
Creative Artists Public Service Program (CAPS) (2) Creative Artists Public Service Program (CAPS). (6) Creative Electronics (1)
Creston, B. (1) Cromemco (13) Crosspoint Latch Corp. (1)
Cuba, L. (1) Cuddihy, E. (1) Culler, J. (1)
Cummings, P. (1) Cunningham, G. (1) Curran, A. (1)
Curti, D. (1) Curtis, D. (1) D'Agostino, P. (8)
D'Agostino, P. (1) D'Amico, M. (1) D. Vel Research Laboratories (1)
Daedalus (5) Dage-Bell (2) Dage-Bell Corporation (2)
Dalrymple Henderson, L. (1) Dalto Electronics Corp. (1) Dance on the Lower East Side (1)
Daniels, D. (2) Danto, A. (1) Darke, C. (1)
Dasgupta, G. (1) Dasgupta, G. (1) Datel Systems, Inc. (1)
Davidson, S. (1) Davidson, S. (1) Davis, D. (9)
Davis, E. (1) Davis, H. (1) Davis, P. (4)
Davis. Z80 HROMF4, P. (1) Day, J. (1) Daystrom-Heathkit (1)
Dayton Visual Arts Center (1) dbx Inc. (1) dbx, Incorporated (1)
De Jong, C. (3) De Jong, C. (1) De la Vega-Hurtado, M. (1)
De Michiel, H. (2) Debrix, J R (1) Decillionix., D. (1)
Decker, E. (1) Decter, J. (1) DeFanti, T. (1)
DeFanti, T. (4) Delanty, S. (1) Delehanty, S. (1)
Deleuze, G. (1) DeMartino, N. (1) Demby, B. (1)
Demes, S. (1) DeNatale, D. (1) DeNeve, R. (1)
Denson Electronic Corp. (1) Depocas, A. (1) Depocas, A. (1)
Designlab (1) Deutsch, A. (1) DeWitt, T. (9)
Dhondy, F. (1) Diamond, B. (1) Diamond, E. (1)
Diamond Electronics (3) Dickie, G. (1) Dieckmann, K. (1)
Dienst, R. (1) Dietrich, F. (2) Digital Creations (1)
Digital Detournement (1) Digital Equipment Corporation (2) Digital Graphic Systems (1)
Digital Graphics Systems (1) Digital Graphics Systems, Hocking,Ralph (1) Digital Research (2)
Digital Video Systems (3) Dimension 3 Recording Co. (1) Dominick, K. (1)
Donihue, D. (1) Dordick, H S (1) Dosch, D. (1)
Douglas Nishimura, E. (1) Dowling, S. (2) Downey, J. (1)
Downing, J. (1) Drew, N. (1) Drew, N. (1)
Dreyer, C. (1) Drohojowsa, H. (1) Druckery, T. (3)
Druckrey, T. (1) Druckrey, T. (1) Drury, S. (1)
DSC Digital Services Corporation (1) Duck, S. (1) Duckler, M. (2)
Duda, J. (1) Duguet, A. (1) Duguet, A. (3)
Dumont (1) Duncan, M. (1) Dunn, D. (1)
Dunn, D. (19) Dworkin, S. (1) Dynair Electronics (2)
Dynaquip Electron Devices Ltd. (1) Dynasciences Video Products (1) Dzwonkoski, J. (3)
E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. (1) Eagleton, T. (3) Earle, L. (1)
Eco, U. (2) Economos, N. (1) Edelstein, P. (2)
Edgar, R. (2) Edison Media Arts Consortium (1) Edo Western Corp. (1)
Educational Film Library (1) Educational Television Office (1) Ehmke, R. (1)
Ehmke, R. (1) Ehrenkranz, A. (1) Ehrenkranz, J. (1)
Eico Electronic Instrument Co., Inc. (1) Eidophor (3) Eidophor, TNT Electronics (1)
Eidophor. Schematics authored by TNT Electronics (Theater Network Television, Inc.) (1) Eidophor. Schematics authored by TNT Electronics (Theater Network Television, Inc.) on contract to IBM Space Controls Division (1) Eisenstein, S. (1)
ElectroComp (1) Electrohome Limited (1) Electronic Arts Intermix (5)
Electronic Music Foundation (1) Electronic Music Labs, Inc. (2) Electronic Music Studios (2)
Elwes, C. (1) Em, D. (1) Emerson Radio and Phonograph (1)
Emmer, M. (1) Emmer, M. (1) EMS (2)
EMS, J. (1) English Electric Valve Company Limited (1) Ensoniq Corp. (1)
Epson America, Inc. (1) Erdmann, P. (1) Erickson, L. (1)
Erzebet, T. (1) Eshel, A (1) Etra, B. (5)
Etra, W. (1) Everson Museum of Art (3) Experimental Television Center (98)
Experimental Television Center, R. (1) Eyers, L. (1) FAF (Film Arts Foundation) (1)
Fairchild Recording Equipment Corporation (1) Fairchild Semiconductor (2) Fairlight Computer Video Instrument (2)
Fairlight Instruments Ltd. (3) Fallica, S. (1) Fargier, J. (1)
Fargier, J. (1) Farleigh, P. (1) Farrell, T. (1)
Feeley, D. (1) Feist, R. (1) Feldman, S. (1)
Felix, Z. (2) Felix, Z. (1) Fell, J. (1)
Felsenstein, L. (2) Fenton, C. (1) Fenton, C. (1)
Fenton, K. (1) Ferkiss, V. (1) Fernseh GMBH (3)
Ferro, R. (1) Fessler, F. (1) Fielding, R. (1)
Fielding, R. (1) Fifer, S. (1) Fifer, S. (2)
Fifield, G. (3) Film and Electronic Media Program (1) Film Institute of Northern California (1)
Film/ Video Arts, Inc. (1) Film/Video Arts, Inc. and Dan Sandin and Jon Burris (1) Fiore, Q. (2)
Fleming, M. (1) Flexer, J. (1) Flexer, R. (1)
Foley, T. (1) Fondazione Italiana per la Fotografia (1) FOR.A Company Ltd. (2)
Forde, K. (1) Foreman, R. (1) Forest, F. (1)
Foresta, D. (1) Foster, H. (5) Fostex (1)
Foucault, M. (1) Fox, D. (1) Fox, M. (1)
Frampton, H. (3) Francis, T. (1) Frank, P. (1)
Frankenstein, A. (2) Freed, H. (1) French-Frazier, N. (2)
Frensel Jr., L. (1) Fried, M. (1) Friedkin, E. (1)
Friis-Hansen, D. (1) Fuller, L. (1) Furlong, L. (11)
Gale, P. (3) Galeria Bonino (1) Galloway, K. (1)
Gangitano, L. (2) Gardner, J. (1) Gardner, P. (1)
Gartel, L. (1) Gartel, L. (1) Gartenberg, J. (1)
Gattegno, C. (1) GBC Closed Circuit TV Corp. (2) Gear, J. (1)
Geever, M. (1) Geller, M. (1) Geller, M. (1)
General Electric (1) General Electric Company (1) General Electronic Systems Inc. (GESI) (1)
General Precision Laboratory (3) General Radio Company (1) Gentle Electric. (1)
George Lukacs, W. (1) Gerbner, G. (1) Gerbner, G. (1)
Gershuny, P. (2) Gessner, R. (1) Gever, M. (8)
Ghazala, Q. (1) Gibbons, G. (1) Gigliotti, D. (2)
Gilbard, F. (1) Gill, J. (2) Gillette, F. (3)
Giloth, C. (1) Ginsberg, M. (1) Gips, T. (1)
Gitlin, M. (1) Gitlin, T. (4) Global Village (4)
Glueck, G. (1) Godal, B. (1) Godfrey, R. (1)
Goetz, I. (1) Goetz, S. (1) Goffman, E. (1)
Gold, R. (1) Goldberg, E. (1) Goldberg, H. (1)
Goldberg, K. (1) Goldberg, K. (1) Goldberg, R. (1)
Goldman, D. (1) Gomery, D. (1) Goodman, C. (2)
Gordon, G. (1) Gorewitz, S. (4) Gorewitz, S. (1)
Goss, C. (2) GPL (3) GPL Television Equipment (1)
Grabill, V. (1) Grace, S. (1) Gracon, D. (1)
Graham, D. (2) Graham, P. (1) Grant, R. (1)
Grass Valley Group (15) Grau, O. (1) Green, A. (1)
Green, C. (1) Green, J. (1) Green, J. (1)
Green, J. (1) Green, R. (1) Gregory, R L (2)
Grenier, V. (1) Gretzen, P. (1) Grillo, V. (1)
Grim, C. (1) Gropius, W. (1) Grosenick, U. (1)
Grossman, P. (1) Grossman, P. (1) Gruber, B. (2)
Gu, X. (1) Guattari, F. (1) Guberman, R. (1)
Gunning, T. (1) Gurevitch, M. (1) Gurevitch, M. (1)
Gusella, E. (1) Gustafson, J. (3) Gutstadt, H. (1)
Gwin, B. (2) Gwin, W. (3) Hagen, C. (4)
Hahn, A. (7) Hall, D. (4) Hall, D. (1)
Hall, D. (1) Hall, P. (1) Hall, S. (1)
Halleck, D. (5) Haller, R. (6) Haller, R. (4)
Hallock, D. (12) Hallwalls and Ars Electronica (1) Hamamoto, D. (2)
Hammatsu Corporation (1) Handte, J. (2) Hanhardt, J. (6)
Hanhardt, J. (1) Hansen, J. (1) Hansen, M. (1)
Hara, T. (1) Hara Museum of Contemporary Art (1) Harari, J. (1)
Harari, J. (1) Hardison, J. (1) Harithas, J. (2)
Harries, D. (1) Harries, D. (1) Harris, C. (1)
Harris, C. (1) Harris, R. (1) Harris Semiconductor (1)
Harrison Laboratories, Hewlett Packard (1) Hathaway, J. (1) Hathaway, J. (1)
Havilland, R. (3) Hawkins, P. (1) Hawkins, P. (1)
Hayes, R M (1) Hayles, K. (1) Hayles, K. (1)
Hayman, R. (1) Hays, R. (1) Haywood, P. (1)
Haywood, P. (1) HBS Equipment Divisioin (1) Hearn, B. (3)
Hearn, W. (18) Heath, S. (3) Heathkit (1)
Heathkit, H. (1) Heidegger, M. (1) Heiss, A. (1)
Heist, E. (1) Held, J. (1) Henderson, B. (1)
Herbach and Rademan, I. (1) Herbert, D. (1) Herman, A. (1)
Herr, L. (1) Herrick, J. (1) Herskowitz, R. (4)
Herzogenrath, W. (11) Hess, J. (1) Hesse, G. (1)
Hewlett Packard (4) Hewlett Packard. (1) Hickok Electrical Instrument Co. (2)
High, K. (17) Hightower, J. (1) Hilderbrand, L. (1)
Hill, C. (7) Hill, G. (1) Hill, G. (2)
Himmelstein, H. (2) Hindman, J. (2) Hirsch, R. (1)
Hirsch, R. (1) Hitachi Denshi, Ltd. (4) Hlynsky, D. (1)
Ho, C. (1) Hoberman, J (1) Hochberg, J (1)
Hocking, E. (1) Hocking, R. (32) Hocking, S. (59)
Hocking, S. (1) Hocking, S. (1) Hodking, S. (1)
Hohendahl, P. (1) Hoking, R. (1) Hollie, P. (1)
Holman, B. (1) Holman, D. (1) Holzmann, G. (1)
Hones, L. (1) Hoone, J. (2) Hopkins, J. (1)
Hoptman, L. (2) Horitz, R. (1) Horkheimer, M. (2)
Hornbacher, S. (8) Horrigan, B. (3) Horrigan, B. (1)
Horsfield, K. (1) Horsfield, K. (1) Houston Instrument (1)
Howard, B. (7) Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. (5) Howe, H. (1)
Howell, B. (1) Howley, K. (2) Hoy, A. (1)
Hubbard, J. (2) Huberman, A. (1) Hudlin, W. (1)
Huffman, K. (2) Hulser, K. (2) Humpl, C. (1)
IAMAA (staff) (1) IBM (2) IBM In-House Engineers re: Eidophor Projector (1)
Icon Corporation (1) IDEA (1) IEA (1)
IEA (Institute for Electronic Arts) (1) Ignatieff, M. (1) Ihde, D. (1)
Iimura, T. (1) Iimura, T. (5) Ikegami (1)
Il Giocoliere Elettronico (1) Image: Film & Video Center (1) Image: Film/Video Center (1)
Imago (1) Imsai Mfg. Corp. (1) Independent Media Arts Preservation (1)
Inga-Pin, L. (1) Innis, H. (2) Institute, T. (1)
Institute of Radio Engineers (1) Instrument, T. (1) Integral Data Systems, Inc. (1)
Intel Corp. (2) Intelligent Systems Corp. (1) International Department of the Netherlands Office for Fine Arts (1)
International Video Art Symposium (1) International Video Conference of Montreal (1) International Visual Products (IVP) (2)
Ionic Industries Inc. (2) Ionic Industries, Inc. (1) Ippolito, J. (1)
Irvine Foundation and AEA Consulting (1) Irwin, J. (1) Isobel, H. (1)
Ithaca Audio (1) IVC (4) IVC (International Video Corporation) (1)
Jackson, C. (2) Jackson, M. (1) Jacob, M. (1)
Jacob, M. (1) Jacobs, A. (1) Jacobs, K. (3)
Jacobs, L. (1) Jahreskatalog, E. (1) James, D. (1)
Jana, R. (1) Jane D. Johnson, L. (1) Jarowski, P. (2)
Javelin Electronics Co. (1) JCPenny (1) Jenkins, B. (2)
Jenkins, J. (1) Jennings, P. (1) Jeno, H. (1)
Jevnikar, J. (1) Jimenez, M. (4) JimenezMona, M. (1)
JimenezMona, M. (1) Johansen, D. (1) John Fluke Mfg. Co., I. (1)
Johnson, L. (1) Johnson, S. (1) Johnston, B. (1)
Johnston, C. (1) Jones, B. (1) Jones, C. (1)
Jones, D. (12) Jones, D. (12) Jones, D. (2)
Jones, D. (2) Jones, J. (1) Jones, P. (1)
Jost, J. (1) Juhasz, A. (1) Junker, H. (1)
JVC (14) Kaehler, C. (1) Kallos, K. (1)
Kaneko, T. (1) Kanter, B. (1) Kaplan, A. (1)
Kaplan, A. (1) Kaplan, A. (1) Kaplan, G. (2)
Kaprow, A. (1) Kaufman, P. (6) Kearns, M. (4)
Keil, B. (2) Kellein, T. (1) Keller, D. (1)
Kepes, G. (1) Kepes, G. (1) Kerne, A. (1)
Kiger, B. (1) Kirby, L. (1) Kirby, M. (1)
Kirkman, L. (1) Kite, L. (5) Kittross, J. (1)
Klark-Teknik Electronics Inc. (1) Klein, H. (1) KLH Audio Systems (1)
Knecht, J. (3) Knight Electronics (1) Knopf, A. (1)
Knowles, M. (1) Knox, S. (1) Kolpan, S. (2)
Kolyer, D. (1) Korg Electronic Ltd. (2) Korot, B. (23)
Korot, B. (1) Kostelanetz, R. (1) Koszarski, R. (1)
KQED-TV (1) Kracauer, S. (1) Krane, S. (1)
Kratky, A. (1) Krauss, R. (1) Krieger, R E (1)
Kriesche, R. (1) Kriesche, R. (1) Kristeva, J. (1)
Kruger, B. (1) Kruger, B. (1) KSN (1)
Kubota, S. (4) Kuhn, A. (1) Kunstforum (1)
Kunstverein, K. (1) Kuntzel, T. (1) Kurtz, B. (7)
L-W Photo, Inc. (1) Labat, T. (2) Lacan, J. (3)
Lachenbruch, D. (1) Lamb, L. (1) Landnzan, K. (1)
Lane, G. (1) Lane, G. (1) Lanesville TV (2)
LaPalma, M. (1) Larry Kirkman, G. (1) Larson, R. (2)
Larson, S. (1) Lauretis, T. (3) Lauretis, T. (1)
Lavin, M (1) Leavitt, R. (1) Leavitt, R. (1)
Lectrotech (1) Lee, K. (1) Lee-Nova, G. (1)
Leeman, F. (1) Legge, N. (1) LeGrice, M. (2)
Lehman, K. (1) Leitch Video Limited (1) Lenco Inc. Electronics Division (1)
Leogrande, E. (1) Leopold, G. (1) Lerner, J. (1)
Lerner, J. (1) Leviathan (1) Levin, G. (1)
Levin, K. (1) Levine, L. (5) Lewis, L. (1)
Leyda, J. (2) Library of Congress (1) Licata, E. (2)
Lichty, P. (1) Lieberman, L. (1) Light Work (1)
Lightworks (1) Linemaster Switch Corporation (1) Linhart, H. (1)
Linton, J (1) Lipkin, E. (1) Lippard, L. (2)
Lisa Robinson, D. (1) Lister, A. (1) Livingston, J. (1)
Locution@Location1 (1) Loeffler, C. (5) Loeffler, C. (1)
Loewinger, L. (1) London, B. (10) London Film Makers' Co-op, Iimura,Takahiko (1)
Long Beach Museum of Art (2) Lorber, R. (1) Lord, C. (2)
Lord, C. (3) Lorex Pro (1) Lovejoy, M. (2)
Lovejoy, M. (1) Loveless, R. (1) Loveless, R. (1)
Lovett, S. (1) Lovett, S. (1) Lovink, G. (1)
Low, D. (3) Low, D. (1) Lowe, R. (1)
Lowenstein, R. (1) Lowry, G. (1) Loxton, D. (2)
Lucas, K. (2) Lukow, G. (1) Lunenfeld, P. (2)
Lyons, L. (1) Lyons, N. (1) Lyons, T. (1)
Lyons, T. (1) Lyotard, J. (6) MacCabe, C. (1)
MacCabe, C. (1) MacCann, C. (1) Macdermed, C. (1)
MacDonald, D. (1) MacDonald, S. (7) MacDonald, S. (1)
MacGowan, K. (1) Malina, F. (1) Malina, F. (1)
Malina, R. (1) Malina, R. (1) Malkiewicz, K. (1)
Malloy, J. (1) Malloy, J. (2) Mamber, S. (1)
Mancuso, A. (1) Mander, J. (1) Manoogian, H. (1)
Manovich, L. (3) Marcuse, H. (1) Margolies, J. (1)
Marinetti, F T (1) Marita Sturken, L. (1) Marks, L. (1)
Marque (1) Marranca, B. (1) Marsh, K. (2)
Marshall, S. (4) Martin, A. (1) Martin, A. (1)
Martin, N. (1) Martinez, C. (1) Master, C. (1)
Mastrogiacomo Editore Images 70 Padova (1) Matsushita Electric Co. (1) Matsushita Electric Corporation of America (1)
Matzner, F. (1) Maul, M. (1) Mayer, A. (3)
McArthur, D. (2) McArthur, D. (7) McArthur, D. (2)
McArthur, D. (1) McCarthy, E. (1) McCarthy, K. (1)
McCarthy, K. (1) McCarthy, K. (1) McCarthy, K. (2)
McDarrah, F. (1) McDarrah, F. (1) McDonald, L. (1)
McDonnell, M. (1) McGee, M. (2) McGriff, T. (1)
McHale, J. (3) McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. (12) McLuhan, M. (4)
McMullin, D. (1) McPherson, T. (1) Media Alliance (1)
Media Alliance and Carol Brandenburg (1) Media Equipment Pool (1) Media Study Buffalo (1)
Media Study/ Buffalo (4) MedienOperative (1) Meigh-Andrews, C. (2)
Mekas, J. (1) Mella, L. (2) Mellencamp, P. (4)
Melville, S. (1) Meredith, S. (2) Merrill, J. (1)
Messier, P. (2) Metz, C. (1) Meyer, E. (1)
Meyer, P. (1) Meyers-Kingsley, D. (1) MGA (1)
Michael Stafford, D. (1) Michelson, A. (5) Michelson, A. (1)
Microbotics, Inc. (3) Micrographics CAT-100 Graphics Software Manual ETC Copy (1) Microsoft (1)
Mignot, D. (3) Mignot, D. (1) Mikas, M. (2)
Milano, S. (1) Milazzo, R. (1) Miller, A. (2)
Miller, A. (1) Miller, B. (1) Miller, G. (1)
Miller, J. (1) Miller, N. (1) Miller, S. (1)
Miller, S. (2) Miller-Hocking, S. (1) Mindset Corporation (1)
Minkowsky, J. (10) Minkowsky, J. (2) Minsky, M. (1)
Minsky, M. (1) Minton, J. (1) Mogul, S. (1)
Mohlhenrich, J. (1) Mohlhenrich, J. (1) Moholy-Nagy, L (1)
Moholy-Nagy, S. (1) Mojtabai, C. (1) Mok, C. (1)
Momenta Art (1) Monaco, J. (1) Monk, P. (1)
Monkhouse, R. (1) MonteVideo Art Foundation (1) Montfort, N. (1)
Montgomery Ward (1) Moog, R A (2) Moog, R. (1)
Moog Music Inc. (2) Moog related at SUNY Binghamton (1) Mooney, K. (1)
Moore, A. (2) Moore, C. (1) Moore, R. (3)
Moore, R. (2) Moore., S. (1) Morello, S. (1)
Morgan, C. (1) Morgan, D. (1) Morison, E. (1)
Morley, D. (1) Morris, F. (1) Morris, R. (1)
Morrison, B. (1) Morse/ Electrophonic (2) Morton, P. (6)
Morton, P. (1) Mosco, V. (1) Moser, M. (1)
Motorola (1) MPCS Communications Industries, Inc. (2) Muchnic, S. (1)
Muhammad, E. (1) Mumma, G. (2) Muntadas, A. (2)
Murphy, W. (1) Murray, T. (2) Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (2)
Musee Jenisch Vevey, Hahn,Alexander (1) Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas (2) Museum Fridericianum (1)
Muybridge, E. (1) Myers, R. (1) Namaroff, A. (1)
National Archives and Records Administration (1) National Center for Experiments in Television (1) National Video Resources (7)
Navexos (1) Neale, S. (1) NEC Home Electronics (U.S.A.) Inc. (1)
Negroponte, N. (2) Neidhardt, J. (1) Nelson, T. (2)
Nesthus, M. (1) Network Development and MARC STandards Office, Library of Congress (1) Neumark, N. (1)
New York City Experimental Video and Film Festival (1) New York Foundation for the Arts (3) New York State Council on the Arts (42)
New York State Council on the Arts and Media Alliance (1) Newcomb, H. (3) Newcomb, H. (1)
NHK Culture Center/ OMNI (1) Nichols, B. (1) Nicholson, G. (1)
Nickard, G. (1) Nickas, R. (1) Nieuwe Workshop in de Beursschouwburg (1)
Noble, D. (3) Noegel, S. (1) Noll, M. (1)
Nomadnet (1) Nonsequitor, Inc. (1) Noriega, C. (1)
Noriega, C. (1) NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC) Theater (1) Nuding, J. (1)
NY Times (1) Nygren, S. (2) NYU Media Co-op (1)
O'Connor, J. (1) O'Connor, J. (1) O'Grady, G. (3)
O'Neil, P. (1) O'Pray, M. (1) Octave Plateau Electronics, Inc. (1)
Oki Electric Industry Company, Ltd. (1) Oliveros, P. (1) Ondaatje, E. (2)
Ondaatje, E. (1) Opcode Systems, Inc. (1) ORF-Prix Ars Electronica 88 (1)
Osaka, K. (1) Osborn, B. (6) Oslo, K. (1)
others (1) Otto, S. (1) Otto Piene, A. (1)
Owett, B. (1) Packard Bell (1) Packer, R. (1)
PAIA Electronics (1) Paik, N. (16) Paik, N. (3)
PAJ (Performing Arts Journal) (1) Pakaluk, M. (1) Paleis voor Schone Kunsten Brussels/Paleis des Beaux-Arts (1)
Panasonic (18) Panasonic (Matsushita Corp.) (1) Panasonic Corporation (39)
Panasonic. (1) Pandolfi, K. (1) Panten, E. (1)
Paritz, J. (1) Park, A. (1) Parnes, L. (1)
Parsons, B. (1) Passport Designs, Inc. (2) Paul, C. (1)
Payant, R. (1) Payant, R. (1) Pelloso, G. (1)
Penny, S. (1) Penny, S. (1) Perkins, V F (1)
Perov, K. (1) Perov, K. (1) Perrone, J. (1)
Persci, I. (1) Peters, E. (1) Peters, E. (1)
Petit, M R (1) Pettigrew, S. (1) Philco (1)
Philco-Ford (1) Piene, O. (1) Pincus, E. (1)
Pincus-Witten, R. (2) Pipe Dream staff (2) Platt, F. (2)
Platt, L. (2) Plessi, F. (1) Pocock-Williams, L. (1)
Podesta, P. (1) Podesta, P. (1) Podheiser, L. (1)
Popper, F. (2) Portable Channel (2) Portable Energy Products (1)
Portman Shore Electronics (1) Potter, K. (1) Powell, A. (1)
Prentice, D. (1) Prentice, P. (1) Prentice, P. (1)
Price, J. (2) Prime Image, Inc. (1) Production), E. (1)
Projekt '74 (1) Prueitt, M. (1) Pruitt, J. (1)
Public Access Report (1) Pudovkin, V I (1) Quaranta, D. (1)
Quasha, G. (5) Raczynska, J. (1) Radio Shack (6)
Radio-Electronics (1) Raindance Corporation (1) Ramljak, S. (1)
Ramljak, S. (1) Rankin, S. (1) Ray, N. (3)
Ray, S. (1) Razutis, A. (1) RCA (21)
RCA Commercial Electronic Systems (2) Real Time Design, I. (1) Rebouf, R (1)
Redman, W. (1) Rees, A L (2) Reese, M. (1)
Reese Publishing Company (1) Reeves, D. (1) Reichardt, J. (3)
Reid, T L (1) Reidy, C. (1) Reidy, R. (2)
Reidy, R. (1) Reilly, J. (5) Reilly, J. (1)
Reinke, K. (1) Renov, M. (1) Renov, M. (1)
Renzio, T. (1) Restany, P. (1) Rhea, T. (2)
Rheingold, H. (1) Rhizome (1) Rhodes, C. (1)
Rhodes, G. (1) Rice, L. (1) Rice, S. (6)
Richards, C. (1) Rifkin, J. (1) Rifkin, N. (1)
Riley, R. (1) Rinder, L. (1) Rinehart, R. (2)
Roberts, D. (1) Robertson, C. (1) Robertson, C. (3)
Robinson, R. (4) Rochester Film & Photo Consortium (1) Rockefeller Foundation (1)
Rockefeller Foundation Arts Program (1) Rod. (2) Rodrigo, E. (1)
Roland (2) Rorty, R. (1) Rose, B. (1)
Rose, B. (1) Rosebush, J. (1) Rosebush, J. (7)
Roseman, C. (2) Roseman, C. (1) Rosen, N. (1)
Rosenbach, U. (1) Rosenberg, B. (1) Rosenberg, B. (1)
Rosenberg, H. (1) Rosler, M. (1) Ross, D. (13)
Ross, D. (5) Ross, M. (1) Rossman, M. (1)
Roth, C. (1) Rothbard, M. (1) Royal Film Archive of Belgium (1)
Rubin, K. (1) Rudolph, H. (12) Ruiz, J. (1)
Rungren, T. (1) Rush, M. (3) Russell, J. (1)
Rutt, S. (5) Rutt Electrophysics (7) Rutten, B. (1)
Ryan, P. (4) Salloum, J. (4) San Francisco Museum of Art (2)
Sanborn (2) Sanders, D. (1) Sandin, D. (12)
Sandin, D. (3) Sandin, D. (4) Sanyo (4)
Sanz, L. (1) Sargent, R. (1) Sarkes Tanzian Inc. (2)
Satellite Video Exchange Society (1) Satin, S. (1) Saul, J. (1)
Savage, S. (1) Schanzenbach, R. (1) Schier, J. (4)
Schier, J. (1) Schiller, H. (4) Schilling, A. (1)
Schimmel, P. (2) Schjeldahl, P. (1) Schlanger, M. (1)
Schlanger, M. (16) Schlesinger, B. (1) Schmidt, K. (1)
Schneider, C. (1) Schneider, C. (1) Schneider, I. (8)
Scholder, A. (1) Scholder, A. (1) Scholz, T. (1)
Schou, H. (2) Schramm, W. (2) Schramm, W. (1)
Schreiber, B. (1) Schreiber, R. (1) Scientific American. (1)
Scientific American. Introduction by Richard Held. (1) Sears (1) Sears, Roebuck and Co. (1)
Sei, K. (2) Seid, S. (3) Semonche, B. (1)
Semonche, B. (1) Sencore (1) Sequential (1)
Serge Company (2) Serge. (2) Sevilla, C. (1)
Shamberg, M. (1) Shamberg, M. (2) Shanken, E. (1)
Sharp, W. (8) Sharp. (1) Shattuck, R. (1)
Shaw, J. (1) Shaw, J. (1) Shayon, R. (1)
Shayon, R. (1) Shefrin, J. (1) Shepard, T. (1)
Sherarts, K. (1) Sherarts, K. (1) Sheridan, L. (2)
Sheridan, S. (1) Sherman, T. (5) Sherman, T. (1)
Sherry, M. (1) Shibaden (17) Shine, C. (2)
Shintron. (1) Shores, P. (1) Shubin, M. (1)
Siegel, E. (1) Siegel, E. (1) Sieling, N. (1)
Siggraph (5) Siggraph- ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) (1) Signetics (1)
Silverfine, D. (1) Silverfine, D. (1) Silverfine, D. (1)
Simmons, A. (2) Simmons, R. (6) Simpson, L. (1)
Simpson. (1) Singer (19) Singer-General Precision, Inc. (1)
Sippel, D. (1) Sitney, A. (3) Sitts, M. (1)
Sitts, M. (1) Sjolander, T. (1) Sjolander, T. (1)
Skoller, D. (1) Skoller, J. (1) Slater, J. (1)
Slobode, U. (1) SLTTI. Sri Lanka Television Training Institute (1) Small Business Applications, Inc. (1)
Smith, A. (1) Smith, J. (1) Smoley, R. (1)
Snyder, E. (1) Soar (1) Sobchack, T. (1)
Society for Photographic Education (1) Sondheim, A. (7) Sonora (1)
Sonsbeek Foundation (1) Sontag, S. (1) Sony (201)
SONY Corporation (3) Sony Corporation of America., Aulthouse,H. D. (1) Sony, Matsushita (Panasonic) (1)
Sorensen, V. (5) Southwest Technical Products Corporation. (1) Spectre (1)
Spielmann, Y. (1) Spinrad, P. (1) Spivey, K. (1)
St. Lawrence, J. (1) Starenko, M. (1) Stax, M. (1)
Steele, L. (2) Stein, A. (1) Stein, E. (1)
Stephen, R. (1) Stephens, R. (4) Stephenson, R. (1)
Sterling, C. (1) Stern, G. (3) Stern, R. (1)
Stewart, T. (2) Stone, J. (1) Stooss, T. (1)
Stooss, T. (1) Stoss, T. (1) Stout, D. (1)
Straayer, C. (1) Strange, A. (2) Streckler, L. (1)
Strick, J. (1) Studio International (1) Sturgeon, J. (1)
Sturken, M. (1) Sturken, M. (26) Subrin, E. (1)
Suderburg, E. (1) Sugaya, H. (1) Sundell, N. (1)
SUNY Binghamton (1) SUNY Binghamton & The Experimental Television Center (1) Supanick, J. (1)
Supra Corporation. (1) Sutherland, I. (2) Sweeney, S. (1)
Sykes, B. (1) Syntauri Corp. (1) Tadlock, T. (1)
Taft, R. (1) Tajchman, E J (1) Tajchman, B. (1)
Tamara Gould, D. (1) Tambellini, A. (6) Tambellini, E. (1)
Tambellini, E. (1) Tamblyn, C. (2) Tapco (Technical Audio Products Corporation) (1)
Tarbell Electronics (1) Taylor, D. (1) Tcherepnin, S. (1)
Teasdale, P. (2) Technisphere Corp. (4) Technisphere Corp., Smith,Raymond C. (1)
Ted Lagodmos, T. (1) Tektronix (3) Tektronix, Inc. (25)
Tektronix, Inc., Schrock,Clifford B. (1) Television Microtime, Inc. (Delta) (1) Telex Communications, Inc. (1)
Telos (1) Templeton, L. (1) Templeton, L. (1)
Tennant, C. (8) The 6th Tokyo Video Festival (1) The 7th New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental Film/ Video Festival and The Kitchen (1)
The American Film Institute (1) The Banff Centre for the Arts (1) The Black Filmmaker Foundation (1)
The Bronx Museum of the Arts (1) The Cat Fund (1) The Center for Photography at Woodstock (1)
The College of New Jersey (1) The Evolutionary Girls Club (EGC) (4) The Guggenheim Museums (1)
The Institute for Studies in the Arts at Arizona State University. (1) The International Center for 8mm Film and Video, Inc. (1) The Japan Foundation (1)
The Kitchen (10) The Kitchen. Haleakala, Inc. (1) The MIT Press (2)
The National Committee for Cultural Resources. (1) The Power Plant (1) The Royal Film Archive of Belgium (1)
The Vasulka Corporation (1) The Vasulka Corporation,Woody and Steina (1) Theile, R (1)
Theobald, P. (1) Thomas, D. (1) Thomas, L. (2)
Thomas, S. (1) Thomas, S. (1) Thomas, W. (1)
Thompkins, C. (1) Thompson, K. (1) Thompson, S. (2)
Thomson, P. (4) Thread Waxing Space (1) Thread Waxing Space, Gilliam,Leah (1)
Three M Company (2) Tobenfeld, E. (1) Toffler, A. (1)
Toledo Museum of Art (1) Tomkins, C. (1) Tong, D. (1)
Tonus, Inc. (Arp Instruments Inc.) (2) Top Value Television (TVTV) (1) Topalian, E. (1)
Torgerson, E. (1) Tovey, J. (1) Town, E. (1)
Town, E. (1) Tracey, M. (1) Trend, D. (1)
Trevor Pinch, R. (1) Triadex Incorporated (1) Tribe, M. (1)
Trocco, F. (1) Troy, M. (3) Tsuchiya, A. (1)
Tsuno, K. (1) Tucher, M. (1) Tuchman, M. (1)
Tulbert, D. (1) Turim, M. (7) Turin, M. (1)
Turner, A. (3) Tyner, K. (1) UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (1)
Ulay (1) University, Y. (1) University Art Gallery, Binghamton University (2)
University of Southwestern Louisiana (1) University Wide Committee on the Arts (1) University-wide Committee on the Arts (1)
University-wide Programs in the Arts (2) unknown (1) Unterseher, F. (1)
Urbaschek, S. (1) Valley Data Sciences (1) Vancouver Art Gallery (1)
Varela, W. (1) various, D. (1) Vasulka, S. (2)
Vasulka, W. (10) Vedder, M. (2) Venuto, M. (1)
Video Aids Corporation of Colorado (3) Video Art Review (7) Video Magazine (1)
Video Modular Systems (1) Videoarco (2) Videofreex (2)
Videoglyphes (1) Videographe (2) Videographe Inc. (1)
Videotek Inc. (1) Vidor, K. (1) View Master (2)
Viola, B. (5) Viscount Industries LTD. (1) Visual Communications (1)
Visual Electronics Corporation (1) Visual Resources Inc. (1) Visual Studies Workshop (2)
Visual Workshop of Gyor (1) Vitiello, S. (1) Vlahos-Gottschalk Research Corp. (1)
Vogel, A. (1) Vogele, C. (1) Volkmann, H. (1)
Volkmann, H. (1) Vostell, W. (1) Votrax (1)
Wagner, P. (1) Wagner, P. (1) Waite, M. (1)
Walker, S. (1) Wallace, L. (1) Walley, D. (1)
Wallis, B. (1) WAMC (3) Wands, B. (2)
Wands, B. (1) Wands, B. (1) Ward Electronics (1)
Wardrip-Fruin, N. (1) Wardrip-Fruin, N. (1) Wards Airline (1)
Warehouse Sound Co. (1) Warren, P. (1) Warshawski, M. (6)
Washer, S. (1) Wassall, G. (1) Watkins, P. (1)
Watlington, F. (1) Watts, R. (1) Webber, M. (1)
Wechsler, J. (1) Weeks, L. (1) Wegman's World. (1)
Weibel, P. (6) Weigand, I. (2) Weiner, A. (1)
Weiner, N. (1) Weinger, R. (1) Weinstein, D. (1)
Weinstock, J. (1) Weiss, P. (1) Welling, J. (2)
Wellins, M. (1) Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation (1) Welsh, J. (1)
Wheeler, J. (3) White, D. (1) White, R. (6)
White-Henson, W. (1) Whitney, J. (1) Whitney Museum (1)
Whitney Museum of American Art (1) Wide Angle (3) Wiederhold, G. (1)
Wiener, N. (1) Wijers, G. (1) Wijers, G. (1)
Wilder, K. (1) Williams, M. (3) Williams, R. (1)
Williams, R. (3) Willoughby, D. (1) Willoughby, D. (1)
Wilson, S. (2) Winner, L. (1) Winston, B. (1)
Wise, H. (1) Wiseman, J. (1) Wisniewski, L. (1)
Witt, H. (1) WNET TV (1) Wolff, J. (1)
Wolin, R. (1) Wollen, P. (4) Women's Interart Center (1)
Wong, P. (1) Woodstock Community Video (1) Wooldridge, D. (1)
Wooster, A. (8) Worden, J. (2) World Wide Video Festival (1)
World Wide Video Festival. (1) Worth, S. (1) Wortz, M. (4)
Wright, W. (4) Wright, W. (1) Wright, W. (7)
Wright State University Art Galleries (1) Wurzburg, G. (2) Wyver, J. (1)
Xerox (3) Yakel, E. (1) Yalkut, J. (10)
Yamaha (1) Yanczer, P. (1) Yasuda, K. (1)
Yonemoto, B. (2) Yonemoto, N. (1) Young, C. (1)
Young, G. (1) Young, K. (1) Young Filmakers/Video Arts (1)
Young Filmmakers Foundation (1) Youngblood, G. (11) Youngs, A. (1)
Yvonne, S. (1) Zando, J. (1) Zarov, I. (1)
Zeichner, A. (3) Zenith Electronics Corporation (4) Zericon (1)
Zimmermann, P. (5) Zimmermann, P. (2) Zimmermann, P. (3)
Zippay, L. (1) Zippay, L. (5) Zusman, N. (4)